Keeping track of company directors

It’s been nine years since someone suggested a way to stop company directors from avoiding creditors by creating a ‘Phoenix’ company. ‘Phoenixing’ describes the process when a new business arises from the ashes of a liquidated company. It’s a loophole that allows unscrupulous people to leave their debts behind with the liquidated company and start afresh (leaving creditors out in the cold). The total cost of Phoenixing to the Australian economy is estimated to be…

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Cybersecurity, scams and data breaches

Call it coincidence, but I was in the midst of a domestic internet security overhaul when news of the Optus hack broke. As we know, what the press is calling the biggest hack in Australian history left the private information of up to 10 million Optus customers open to potential abuse. Optus customers are clamouring to have their drivers’ licences and passports re-issued and there is talk of class actions. Like most of us whose…

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