Disappearing acts

  By Guest writer Lyn Nuttall Introduction by Bob I did say last week I’d be serving up items from the FOMM archives while I’m away, but could not resist this post by Lyn Nuttall, curator of the website Pop Archives (Where did they get that song?). The other day some bloke tweeted, “Anyone remember Dionne Warwick?” Dionne Warwick answered, “Doesn’t ring a bell.” When I wrote about a Top 20 hit by Sydney singer…

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Why our media mostly ignores New Zealand

The young New Zealand journalist broadcasting from down town Auckland described the rain storms which drenched Auckland last weekend as ‘completely apocalyptic’. This may not be overstating the case. as Auckland received 284mm (nearly a foot in the old measurement) in the 24 hours from Friday to Saturday –  and it kept on raining. As The Guardian reported on Monday, intense rain on January 27 brought more than 200mm in 18 hours, as recorded by…

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Physiotherapists in demand

Every day I walk anywhere, I silently thank the physiotherapists who got me back on my feet after a serious motorcycle accident in 1969. Too long ago and yet still traumatic to relate, so I’ll skip the detail of the accident and fast forward to the rehab centre. Once out of plaster, able to use crutches and manage a flight of stairs, those with serious injuries were packed off to a rehabilitation centre. Those physios,…

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Seniors becoming savvy about digital technology

During a frustrating hour or two updating our websites, I realised I am more savvy than the average 74-year-old when it comes to digital technology. Or so I thought. Later, you will read about how Covid-19 prompted many older Australians to start interacting with Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp and other communications systems. In what has been a busy month (editing the U3A newsletter, updating three websites, updating our self managed super fund and writing a new…

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